Teatru localizat
Si acuma cand ceasul bate in al ultimului minut,
infrant si lovit,cazut si ranit….
Ma acuzi? Ma judeci prin acele gesture,reci si grele
chiar crezi ca vreau sa am de-a face cu ele?!?
Dar pentru tine,orce ,fie si moartea,
doar dovedeste-mi loialitatea ta.
Arata ca poti simtii pentru mine
acea dragoste nemaivazuta de lume,
arata ca poti sa treci peste mimica umana
ca poti sa vezi prin masa sociala
ma vezi asa cum ar trebui?
sau judeci dupa reguli nescrise.
Alaturi de celalalte mici printese ascunse nerecunoscatoare?
Jocul tulbure al vremurilor noastre
Aruncam cu zaruri nimerim trei,noua,sapte
Ar fi multe de spus doar toate…
sunt doar cuvinte doar interferente pentru tine
Si uite acuma in 2010 cu cat ma apropii
cu atat ma urasti mai mult si nu trece
de-asi crede ca suntem nepereche.
Localized Theatre
And now when the watch is ticking in his last minut,
defeated struck down,fallen and hurt
you accuse me?judge me by those gestures,cold and heavy...
Do you really think ,that I want to have something to do with them?
But for you,anything, even if it is death.
Just prove me your loyalty.
show me that you can feel for me
that love unseen by the world.
Show that you can walk by the human mimic
Show that you see pass the social mass..
You see me as you should?
Or you’re judging by the unwritten rules.
Amongst the other hidden ungrateful little princesses.
The troubled game of our times...
Throwing dices hitting three , nine ,seven
There are much to be said,but all
are just words interferences for you,
and now,here in 2010 as I approach you
You hate me greater and it will not pass
I would think that we are odd.