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Friday, November 27, 2009

Methods of Winter

We stopped caring
When you said: shut up about it!,
can we settle down please?

Spent our time hating each other
with slow words and passive love,
keeping the distance, take a snapshot
I thought..we were lovers?!

Early smokes, deadly hopes
don’t breathe this air-I’m aware!
try letting go.
Messed  up clothes, jokes
hard hitting point-hollow
you are trigger happy aren’t you?

I secretly love you too,
it’s too still in your sadness,
but your eyes tell a whole other story
and I feel the weight of the world,
alone within myself again
I try to veil away my pain.
The coffee is never strong enough,
and this whole story it’s a fraud!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Novembers of love

Sweetened accent’s and fake smile’s
Daily passes at the same time,
This is all I’ we seen, passing by me.
Luck and charm they are forever gone,
Foggy mornings and afternoons
Lonely streets shredded cruel,
Empty faces, forced misplaces

Harsh judgement’s,cripled enigmas.

Cold hands touching, meaningless words 
Worth false statement’s.
Stupid criteria insisting sympathy
Changes are felt, you are now a chimera!
Worried eyes slowly checking...

I miss those times, I adored the snow…
Because I thought it could bring us
Close, heart to heart.

The benches in the park
Dismembered and lost,
Tell tales of hatred and love!
Memories, feelings we don’t stand apart,
Only if I known…I  opened my heart…
And you played the hit and run card!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Moment efemer

                                    Inspirat din "go away,I don't want to talk to you"
Se intelege asta,sau mi se pare aka.paranoic?,sau atent si cu 
defensive systems operational?
sau poate un pic din fiecare.

Chapter one.disappointment!
                 Oamenii din jurul meu se schimba,altii s-au prostit la cap crezandu-se mai
importanti decat sunt cu adevarat,altii au ales o cale a cunoasterii-altii s-au adaptat si 
urmeaza cursul firesc al vietii.
Tot ce voiam acuma un an-anul trecut,si pana acuma 3 ani...visurile se materializau,
devenind reale.Acuma totul pare asa departe,pentru altii sunt reale,dar pentru mine
cu rolul meu indirect si non-existent asa pare.

Chapter two.disclosure!

                Apropierea era doar un joc instinctiv..ironic,un sistem de asigurare
reciproca,un gest agreat,un fals gest de bona-fide!Talent castigat prin manipulare era
atuncea,voiau sa se afirme,crezand ca tentatia cunoasterii va invinge instinctul,va invinge
simtul primordial.Impunatoare si justa,asa-i?asteptand adoratia-o tehnica adoptata 
sau proprie?

Chapter three.the siege 

                Perioada de proba,de familiarizare.Trebuia sa te supui,sa iti areti 
calitatile pe care le-ai obtinut prin truda si "sacrificare",obligatia si responsabilitatea ai 
dovedit-o ca de astfel implicarea in episoade pro-bono a insemnat trecerea prin stagiul
de acceptare in sanul familiei luminii.
                       Iesirea din cadrul sa zic asa organizatiei...luniile de complot puse la punct
cu rabdare s-au pierdut,greutatile suportate au fost in zadar -sau poate aceasta fiind rolul:
rolul de acomodare numai prin  sheer presence!avand probabil un efect psihologic
Multi  iti cunosc glasul.multi s-au exprimat verbal pe un ton sfidator sau un ton amiabil,
prietenos,dragut in zone strict interzise unui outsider,si totusi confruntarile cu
necunoscuti nu te afecteaza..te amuza-si baiatul atent dornic de afirmare este lipsit
de aceste ocazii...dar cum legaturile prin prieteni directi sau prin schimb indirect se racesc
si se rigidizeaza,asa si sansa dispare devine improbabila la fel si etapele trecute prin
experiente ,difera de la om la om...lejeritatea si simplitatea de care te bucuri,nu crezi ca
va atrage pe viitor consecinte negative?ce isi vor arata complexitatea?

(Viata ta este ca si o nuvela,un amalgam de trairi interioare si sentimente,senzatii mixte 
timpurii) quote by Szilard.
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