Social Icons

Friday, February 28, 2014


Till I almost hate
mornings,evenings ,days
fuck you it's ok
fuck you because I want to
fuck you I don't give a fuck
it's always the fuck before all.

and after all the fuck
I just don't really give a fuck
you had my time my heart
you fucked it up
yeah you fucked up
yes I fuck you,
it's all gone.

the fuck

Sunday, February 16, 2014


"I don’t want to be at the mercy of my

 emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them,

 and to dominate them."

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Speechless voices

After all, the fall is sweet
words hurt so deep,
a dying of a simple soul,
It’s not quite eternal…

Made of glass,
shatter once more
break ourselves,
in a thousand and more.

Pieces of us
everywhere we go,
remind us sweetheart.

Sins of the flesh
we crave for lust
devour our love,
 in speechless voices

Inside our souls.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Senseless desires

U I carry on my unexpressed lips
words I swallow just to keep,
eyes search for something missed.
bodies align to reap,
havoc on a silent night.

fall in and out,we lose sight,
but keep in touch
we wage war,we the frontline.
head through a storm
it shreds us in senseless desires,
above and beyond

reckless and higher.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Flaw of a love

february  bring to me
the flaw of a love
 that sickened me.

tempt me to quit,
to reach out, grasp the cold,
to embrace that
emptyness is a form.

tempt me to quit,
make me fall so deep,
to feel lost, to feel weak.

make me do things that I regret,
make me sadder at the end,
make me whatever u want,
just do it quick 
before I'm gone.

it's not quit right
the things we want,
the loves we had
the lyes told,
they rotten the soul,
and prevail us
to be a whole.

Sunday, February 09, 2014

Te va salva

      Poate lucrurile nu sunt chiar cum ti-ai imaginat...numai un pic...incep asa...

Te-ai trezit  intr-o dimineata pur si simplu sfâșiat de panica si anxietate,intr-un minut poate zeci si zeci de ganduri se năpustesc asupra ta,iar tu doar,tu doar suferi nefiind capabil sa faci nimic?
                               Te cuprinde întreaga viata traita intr-un bol din sticla ,cu suficient aer cat de cat sa nu te sufoci,cand totul ti-se pare cladit din carti de joc pe un fundal de nisip miscator...cand totul pare pierdut cand te pierzi cand incepi sa nu respiri cum trebuie cuprins de teroarea viitorului,cand stii ca vei pierde tot,ii vei pierde pe toti cei apropiati tie, al caror voci si fete le vezi in fata ta,le auzi in mintea ta, ti-se sfasie inima,te simti pustiit... 
                     Te trezesti in acea dimineata mai ales in februarie,speriat si cu gandul de a imbratisa pe cineva,dar te intinzi prin pat,iti intinzi bratele sperand ca vei cuprinde pe cineva,ca vei atinge o fiinta calda care la randul ei te va cuprinde si ea,si in acel moment nu te vei mai simti pierdut,speriat,si sfasiat de panica,te vei simti iubit,dorit,mai viu ca niciodata,mai dornic sa iti traiesti viata ca niciodata.
iti intinzi bratele,si nu este nimeni acolo,nimeni!!!
Si in acea dimineata de februarie,frig, si nuante de gri, frig si tu singur zaci acolo in acele momente...stiind ca nimeni nu te va salva.
                    Trec si acele momente, iti revii usor,te obliga viata,rutina sa iti revii,aproape ca uiti,dar vei tine minte .
          Ce vei face in continuare...?


Friday, February 07, 2014

Storm of a real She

     Storm of a real She

cold is the morning ,when I wake up
afraid of the fact that I'm mortal
I fear death
I feel lost,
felt lost in my dreams
which I forgot in 5 minutes
upon woken up

thoughts about what im going to do
scare  me,getting nowhere fast
nobody wakes me up
no warm lips kissing me
sweet tender love

no voice in the backround
telling me take care
I love you so much.
the routine slowly kills me
oh dear oh God,
days pass through  me
I'm passing through life.

where is the one
that calls me by my name
and hugs me so much
and puts  together once more
all my broken parts.

Monday, February 03, 2014

A remember tempus fugit

seems that air is one thing that keeps on wishing me a breakthrough, the hell we raised together in my soul, is mirrored by a wandering state of alternating heartaches, each one is unique and each one kills, kills more then it feeds the lost.

I wanted to be killed in seasons, killed in the leafs and set free by the wind.

always seemed that you were the only being ,in whose arms I felt sheltered by this terible reality,and you offered me something that I needed the most

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Into the fray

Into the fray

o reflecție a trăirilor  ce le simt eu,
trupul tau un ocean de viata
reflecta in ale ei adâncuri ,
de-a pururi, un suflet pierdut pe multe drumuri.

chiar daca esti aici
tot nu esti,dar eu te simt
departe de tot,
atentia ce imi acorzi, doar un ad-hoc.

in privirea ta desertaciune iubito,
pe mine nu ma vrei
esti atrasa de prospetimea aventurilor
in companie celor ,
care taiau in carne vie
sangele si vorbele lor false
te tin in suspans,
pana ce it all fades ,te lasa.

iubito eu te iert dar nu te uit
te vreau aproape dar departe,
de inima mea ce nu prea se mai zbate,
ce simte ca in zadar cea ce face,
dar mintea mea nu ii da pace,
o amorteste o bate.

tu prin tine traiesti cu cea ce altii te hranesc
minciuni si vrajeli,
pana te prind te dovedesc,
pana toti te aburesc.

dar simte si traieste
alunga teama,
 traieste la vida loca
pana la urma moka,
iti vei dori alinare,
iti vei dori pace

inca o sansa pentru stabilitate.

Volumes of S
Chapter  "14

sgk I
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