Si linistea se lasa peste noapte
Si linistea se lasa peste noapte,
in amurgul trezirilor timpurii,
apoi adorm din nou cu gandul la care se vor trezi.
Dar timpul nu iarta,
timpul doar asterne cenusa peste uitare,
acea vie senzatie va deveni doar un alt obisnuit.
Nimic nu mai exista
Nimic nu mai exista din ce o fost, nu va mai fi,
nimic din ce-am trait nu se va mai indeplini,
considera momentul unic, trateaza-l cu cuviinta,
fiecare retraire isi pierde din importanta.
Deoarece suntem muritori. nu traim fiecare clipa.
cersim la pasii pe care ii facem, mila!
Regretam cea ce facem ,sau il trecem cu vederea
niciodata nu o fost asa dur umanitatea.
And there I stand, and stand and suffer
And there I stand, and stand and suffer,
painting my inner demons
welcoming them to their appearance.
Justify my motifs I can not,
Justify yours if you want!
Every choice is a decision,
affecting all those close
be careful use your wisdom,
because you might lose them"smile baby,smile .. all together they say goodbye "
there is no point of having an understanding level of a misunderstood situation
like I always said,the key of understaning one is to do an open heart surgery
but I guess you realize that,and I'd like you to know
treat things seriously our*things I beg of you .
because here you got a boy who shows you the real feeling,who feels quilt
who tells you that you are worth a thousend pictures meaning 1.000.000 words.
who loves you.