Social Icons

Monday, January 03, 2011

Sau am sa te pierd

Dar razboiul asta eu mi l-am ales ,asta imi e soarta,
departe de tine …simt cum imi pierd spreranta.
Inima mea o ia razna,
pompeaza adrenalina dar bate mai incet,
cad prada emotiilor ,cu ele adorm,
cu ele mai trezesc,
cu gandul la tine eu visez,
lucruri marunte,marete ,de neinteles!

Dar realitatea ma loveste,
 cedez si iar cedez,
Oare o sa ma ridic vreodata?...
sau am sa te pierd.

Si mi-e dor de tine,
Mi-e dor de ce nu am avut,
Dorul ma cuprinde, ma baga in sperieti,
cu teama ma gandesc… oare…oare eu visez?
Raspunsul este rece si sincer.

Si eu pierd din viata anii
pe care nu o sa ii mai recuperez,
Cad in genunchi cad din nou
si la tine ma gandesc.
Oare voi reusi?
Sau am sa te pierd.!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

13 things on new year's eve!

In life you must choose between honor and dignity ,and I choose both.
Never underestimate someone who doesn’t even know himself.
Yeah I had feelings now I have something in plus humanity.
Silly is my position towards my own conception.
You trust somebody? Never do that you always get hurt.
Discipline is achieved through brutality.
There is no dignity in being in love.
 Make it through hell ,and you can call yourself a true hero.
Almost everyone deserves a chance, and they always mess things up in the last fucking
Well I guess life is life and that is how it’s going to be.
The truth   is I really loved her and she known that.
Where I failed others will succeed.

Changing myself I am changing the world.
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