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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dishonest words

Dishonest words

No room in here to feel no emotion whatsoever,
never show fear just superficial love,
find another way to talk.
Blend dishonest words with imperfect verbs,
lie beneath your smile ,tell them so much lies…
believe that and look in their eyes.
Don’t worry ,don’t be shy,
don’t see through your heart, use it  just to pump blood.
Go now and have fun.

Arythmic beats.

Arythmic beats.

Distant touches off that…have been
slightly enjoying the sound of arythmic beats.
War is the peace we all need,
waking up among the cold sheets
no body, no warm chills.
Nights spent in despair, breathing cold air,
getting freaked  out,
ready not for another round.
Sometimes hating what we can’t find,
loves wishes left behind.

Transformed in blind

Transformed in blind

No longer in that situation, everything ended
that closely monitored one, no more.
Likewise feel the rejected side
among that love transformed in blind hate,
Indifference doesn’t give me headaches.
It gives me peace inside the emptiness
of my green eyes.
Relieved through the pain obtained,
motifs are insane….
But the game is never owned,
played over and over,becoming used.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sound of a shadow

Sound of a shadow

Like a shadow.. nobody cares,
just a body walking between walls of concrete,
no one shows a look,
nor makes a sound or move.
They don’t care
why live in this world of despair?
Knowing people who don’t know you,
talking to them…you just lose.
We took a step forward and backwards two,
ignorance a blessing, for others a curse.
Constantly evolving , upgrading to worse!
Where are the humans? Where are they?
Why are we so blind ,why aren’t we kind?
Why can’t we walk and maybe learn how to be friends?,
I know we have differences
we cant put them aside .
Let’s just just try.

Life in two

Life in two

Time makes us distant and cold
no matter what we can’t stop.
Maybe we must adapt or compromise,
maybe we must choose between good or worse,
maybe we want that awesome luck…
maybe we want to show our love.
Maybe I want to have you around,
maybe I want to spend my life
loving a girl who I like.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Let me guide you

Let me guide you

Let me guide you
I am right beside you.
Let your pain show itself
I’m here to help.
Let my voice take
 deep root s inside,
every whisper excites.
Every touch makes us want
more and more…
Come on baby, let’s show the world,
how to make love while doing war.

Every time we meet

Every time we meet

Every time we meet,
I  feel the need
to tell all my good deeds.
 To tell and watch, how you react,
to see you smile and laugh,
to feel you happy and sad,
to be right there and help.

Sitting on the swing,
or out boulevarding…
the most important thing
 that you are my right wing.
Each time  I tell,my heart is beating swell,
each moment together ,I wish for forever,
each second is a pleasure!!!

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

best of 2011 #1 Demons resistant to light

Crowds of people drag and pull
feelings out of their soul,
 buying guilt selling lies
creating walls of darkness.
No windows .no doors.
not even lather.
We fought battles and still fight   those demons resistant to light.
We create, we destroy ,not adapting to the worst
losing our touch ,we panic and run.
Repeating it over and over again
we are small  ,but we want more,
never in a frank mood always acting
playing puppets.
And we ask and beg g for forgivness.

best of 2011 Dreams of chance

Dreams of chance

Never mind those selfish dreams,
forget about what was  and what would be,
 there is no hope, there is no chance,
let things touch ,let things go.
They are souls and hearts finding their whole
miles away, from mine and yours.
I tried so hard, now is time to let things go
I did that. but they are coming back for more and more.
haunting me destroying my soul.

The End

Days tick and tock
like seconds on the clock.
Close by lurks the end of all,
just tick and tock goes the watch,
just like that we end up in a black fogg.


And endless stream of defying odds
retaking the bliss of the eternal law,
order is chaos, lies are our guilt,
 strongly embedded in what we are
we say we were.
Hopeless thoughts not ending at all ,
syncing to what we call the: aftermath of our…

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Concept(ing) dreams

                     Si linistea se lasa peste noapte

Si linistea se lasa peste noapte,
in amurgul trezirilor timpurii,
apoi adorm din nou cu gandul la care se vor trezi.
Dar timpul nu iarta, 
timpul doar asterne  cenusa peste uitare,
acea vie senzatie va deveni  doar un alt obisnuit.

Nimic nu mai exista

Nimic nu mai exista din ce o  fost, nu va mai fi,
nimic din ce-am trait nu se va mai indeplini,
considera momentul unic, trateaza-l cu cuviinta,
fiecare  retraire isi pierde din importanta.
Deoarece suntem muritori. nu traim fiecare clipa.
cersim la pasii pe care ii facem, mila!
Regretam cea ce facem ,sau il trecem cu vederea
niciodata nu o fost asa dur umanitatea.

And there I stand, and stand and suffer

And there I stand, and stand and suffer,
painting my inner demons
welcoming them to their appearance.
Justify my motifs I can not,
Justify yours if you want!
Every choice is a decision,
affecting all those close
be careful use your wisdom,
 because you might lose them

"smile baby,smile .. all together they say goodbye "

there is no point of having an understanding level of a misunderstood situation
like I always said,the key of understaning one is to do an open heart surgery
 but I guess you realize that,and I'd like you to know
treat things seriously our*things I beg of you .
because here you got a boy who shows you the real feeling,who feels quilt 
 who tells you that you are worth a thousend pictures meaning 1.000.000 words.
who loves you.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Acceptance of the inevitable

Acceptance of the inevitable

confront it with fear
close your eyes, hold your breath,
the time has come God I am afraid.
Afraid of the pain that follows after
afraid of the unknown,
hopeless explications about the coming trauma…
I said many times before
involved in other procedures:
My life gets stronger
and I get more self-confident
just for a couple of days.
Every time I am in this position
I wish you could be right next to me,
nothing could help me better
than hearing your voice of strength,
nothing can heal me faster
than your presence.
In this moment I realize
how much I need an angel on my side,
Ohh … how much I need you right now.

      To A.U.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

safe and sound

Words fallen to the ground
I am not safe and sound,
rise and rise again
taste the freedom…
see through your cloudy vision
enjoy life’s treason.
Don’t speak, don’t talk,
let your move do all the work.

18 januar

si pierzandu-ma in amurgul diminetii
fara griji si fara ganduri,
stau in fata nasterii unei noua zile
si stiu ca il voi pierde,
nu ma simt atasat de nimic ce este viu
astept si astept minutele trec greu,
frigul il simt ma loveste in fata
creezi vapori de ceata,
parca astept ca soarta sa ma ajunga
dar nu o face o simt eu.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Sau am sa te pierd

Dar razboiul asta eu mi l-am ales ,asta imi e soarta,
departe de tine …simt cum imi pierd spreranta.
Inima mea o ia razna,
pompeaza adrenalina dar bate mai incet,
cad prada emotiilor ,cu ele adorm,
cu ele mai trezesc,
cu gandul la tine eu visez,
lucruri marunte,marete ,de neinteles!

Dar realitatea ma loveste,
 cedez si iar cedez,
Oare o sa ma ridic vreodata?...
sau am sa te pierd.

Si mi-e dor de tine,
Mi-e dor de ce nu am avut,
Dorul ma cuprinde, ma baga in sperieti,
cu teama ma gandesc… oare…oare eu visez?
Raspunsul este rece si sincer.

Si eu pierd din viata anii
pe care nu o sa ii mai recuperez,
Cad in genunchi cad din nou
si la tine ma gandesc.
Oare voi reusi?
Sau am sa te pierd.!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

13 things on new year's eve!

In life you must choose between honor and dignity ,and I choose both.
Never underestimate someone who doesn’t even know himself.
Yeah I had feelings now I have something in plus humanity.
Silly is my position towards my own conception.
You trust somebody? Never do that you always get hurt.
Discipline is achieved through brutality.
There is no dignity in being in love.
 Make it through hell ,and you can call yourself a true hero.
Almost everyone deserves a chance, and they always mess things up in the last fucking
Well I guess life is life and that is how it’s going to be.
The truth   is I really loved her and she known that.
Where I failed others will succeed.

Changing myself I am changing the world.
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